Oncology Research and Treatment

Journal Abbreviation: Oncol Res Treat
ISSN: 2296-5270
eISSN: 2296-5262
Publisher: Karger Publishers

Publications (237)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Immune Checkpoint Co-blockade of CD47 and HLA Class I Receptors to increase CD20 Antibody-mediated Phagocytosis of Lymphoma Cells (2022) Zeller T, Lutz S, Munnich IA, Windisch R, Hilger P, Herold T, Tahiri N, et al. Conference contribution Treatment of patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma in routine care in Germany: initial data from the CARAT-UBC cohort (2022) Goebell P, Mueller L, Boegemann M, Rauh J, Nusch A, Andres-Pons A, Hamm N, et al. Conference contribution Recording of the regional Origin Areas of Patients from the Molecular Tumor Board to Identify the "white Spots" in the Service Area - A joint Initiative of the Bavarian CCC WERA Alliance (2022) Lueke F, Haller F, Utpatel K, Krebs M, Meidenbauer N, Scheiter A, Spörl S, et al. Conference contribution Immunophenotypes and Targets of clonally expanded T Cells in the Bone Marrow of Patients with acquired Aplastic Anemia (2022) Ben Hamza A, Welters C, Bruggemann M, Dietze K, Bullinger L, Brummendorf TH, Winkler T, et al. Conference contribution The CAR-HAMATOTOX for risk stratification of severe infections and for the adjustment of antibacterial prophylaxis prior to CD19-targeted CAR T-cell therapy (2022) Rejeski K, Perez A, Iacoboni G, Penack O, Buecklein , Mougiakakos D, Blumenberg , et al. Conference contribution Trial in Progress: eine multizentrische Open-label Phase IB/ II Studie zur Bestimmung der Dosierung und Sicherheit von Asciminib bei padiatrischen Patienten mit chronischer myeloischer Leukamie in der chronischen Phase (ASC4kids) (2022) Metzler M, Escherich G, Reinhardt D, Kapoor S, Hoch M, Descamps L, Bayar MA, et al. Conference contribution Reproducibility of measurable residual disease detection by flow cytometry in acute myeloid leukemia (2022) Roehnert MA, Kramer M, Schadt J, Ensel P, Thiede C, Krause S, Buecklein V, et al. Conference contribution Early Expansion of CD19.CAR-T Cells in vivo identify the Patients at Risk for the Treatment Failure in diffuse large B-Cell Lymphoma (2022) Blumenberg V, Busch G, Baumann S, Jitschin R, Winkelmann M, Hellwig K, Schmidt C, et al. Conference contribution Steigerung der zytotoxischen Aktivitat eines CD19 Antikorpers durch duale Fc-Optimierung (2022) Gehlert CL, Rahmati P, Boje AS, Winterberg D, Krohn S, Theocharis T, Nimmerjahn F, et al. Conference contribution Enhancement of CD38 antibody-mediated phagocytosis of TALL cells by Fc engineering and CD47 blockade (2022) Hilger P, Zeller T, Vogiatzi F, Mueller K, Muennich IA, Windisch R, Wichmann C, et al. Conference contribution