Sonstige EU-Programme (z. B. RFCS, DG Health, IMI, Artemis)


Project Types

Third Party Funds Group - Overall project
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Third party funded individual grant
Internally funded project
FAU own research funding: EFI / IZKF / EAM ...
Non-FAU Project


Project year

Metrology to assess the durability and function of engineered surfaces (MADES) Metrology to assess the durability and function of engineered surfaces Aug. 1, 2011 - July 31, 2014 MOVE - European Physical Activity Promotion Forum (Gesamtprojekt) (MOVE) European Physical Activity Promotion Forum March 1, 2011 - Feb. 28, 2014 MOVE - European Physical Activity Promotion Forum (Teilprojekt) (MOVE) MOVE - European Physical Activity Promotion Forum (Gesamtprojekt) (MOVE) March 1, 2011 - Feb. 28, 2014 CARINA - Carbon capture by means of indirectly heated carbonate looping process (CARINA) Carbon capture by means of indirectly heated carbonate looping process July 1, 2010 - Dec. 31, 2013 Area mapping of superficial geothermic resources by soil and groundwater data (ThermoMap) Area mapping of superficial geothermic resources by soil and groundwater data Sept. 1, 2010 - Aug. 31, 2013 Nanoelectronics for Mobile Ambient Living (AAL) Systems (MAS) Nanoelectronics for Mobile Ambient Living (AAL) Systems April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2013 Diagnosis of Sarcopenia (Disarco) Diagnosis of Sarcopenia March 1, 2011 - Feb. 28, 2013 Public Health Genomics European Network II (PHGen II) Public Health Genomics European Network II June 1, 2009 - Nov. 30, 2012 CO2freeSNG - Substitute natural gas from coal with internal sequestration of CO2 (CO2freeSNG) Substitute natural gas from coal with internal sequestration of CO2 July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2012 Study on precarious work and social rights Study on precarious work and social rights June 25, 2011 - April 24, 2012
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