DFG / Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB)

Abbreviation: SFB


Project Types

Third Party Funds Group - Overall project
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Third party funded individual grant
Internally funded project
FAU own research funding: EFI / IZKF / EAM ...
Non-FAU Project


Project year

A6 Electron-Phonon Interaction in Semiconductor Nanostructures SFB 787 Halbleiternanophotonik Jan. 1, 2012 - Dec. 31, 2019 Tuning the Surface Chemical Properties of Graphene (B07) (SFB 953) SFB 953: Synthetic Carbon Allotropes (SFB 953) Jan. 1, 2012 - Dec. 31, 2019 Mesoscopic simulation of the selective beam melting process (SFB 814 (B04)) SFB 814: Additive Fertigung July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2019 Privacy-Preserving Cloud Storage (B04) (SFB 1223) SFB 1223: Methoden und Instrumente zum Verständnis und zur Kontrolle von Datenschutz Jan. 1, 2016 - Jan. 1, 2019 Automated multi-dimensional, high-content image-analysis for fluorescence-microscopy (A04) (SFB 796) SFB 796: Steuerungsmechanismen mikrobieller Effektoren in Wirtszellen Jan. 1, 2009 - Dec. 31, 2017 Viral regulators of cellular ripoptosome protein complex (B09*) (SFB 796 / B09) SFB 796: Steuerungsmechanismen mikrobieller Effektoren in Wirtszellen Jan. 1, 2013 - Dec. 31, 2017 Effects of Tax and p8 proteins on cell-to-cell transmission of Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) (C06*) (SFB 796) SFB 796: Steuerungsmechanismen mikrobieller Effektoren in Wirtszellen Jan. 1, 2013 - Dec. 31, 2017 Investigating the mechanism of antibody mediated effector functions in vivo (B14) (SFB 643) SFB 643: Strategien der zellulären Immunintervention Jan. 1, 2013 - Jan. 1, 2016 Unifying Concepts for the Chemistry of Synthetic Carbon Allotropes (A01) SFB 953: Synthetic Carbon Allotropes (SFB 953) Jan. 1, 2012 - Jan. 1, 2015 SFB 953: Synthetic Carbon Allotropes (SFB 953) Jan. 1, 2012 - Jan. 1, 2015