DFG / Forschungsgruppe (FOR)

Abbreviation: FOR


Project Types

Third Party Funds Group - Overall project
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Third party funded individual grant
Internally funded project
FAU own research funding: EFI / IZKF / EAM ...
Non-FAU Project


Project year

The role of the EMT-inducer Zeb1 in the invasive tumor stroma during colon cancer progression (FOR 2438) FOR 2438: Cell Plasticity in Colorectal Carcinogenesis Jan. 1, 2016 - Jan. 14, 2020 Determination of the measurement uncertainty and systematic form deviations for a function-oriented tolerance assignment (FORTol) FOR 2271: Prozessorientiertes Toleranzmanagement mit virtuellen Absicherungsmethoden (FORTol) June 1, 2016 - Dec. 31, 2019 Virtual and experimental tolerance analysis of deviated assembly groups FOR 2271: Prozessorientiertes Toleranzmanagement mit virtuellen Absicherungsmethoden (FORTol) June 1, 2016 - Dec. 31, 2019 Analysis of performance-related, process related structure and shape deviations of plastic gears for application related design FOR 2271: Prozessorientiertes Toleranzmanagement mit virtuellen Absicherungsmethoden (FORTol) April 1, 2016 - Dec. 31, 2019 Late Permian to Early Triassic palaeo-pCO2 and high latitude palaeotemperature (FOR 2332) FOR 2332: Temperature-related stresses as a unifying principle in ancient extinctions (TERSANE) (FOR 2332) Aug. 1, 2016 - Oct. 31, 2019 Body size dynamics of cephalopods across the Pliensbachian-Toarcian crisis (FOR 2332) FOR 2332: Temperature-related stresses as a unifying principle in ancient extinctions (TERSANE) (FOR 2332) Aug. 1, 2016 - July 31, 2019 Temperature-related stresses as a unifying principle in ancient extinctions (TERSANE) FOR 2332: Temperature-related stresses as a unifying principle in ancient extinctions (TERSANE) July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2019 Fuzzy-arithmetical modeling of processes with uncertain prarameters FOR 2271: Prozessorientiertes Toleranzmanagement mit virtuellen Absicherungsmethoden (FORTol) Jan. 1, 2016 - Feb. 28, 2019 Biotic consequences of temperature-related stresses across temporal scales (FOR 2332) FOR 2332: Temperature-related stresses as a unifying principle in ancient extinctions (TERSANE) (FOR 2332) Jan. 1, 2016 - Jan. 1, 2019 FOR 2332: Temperature-related stresses as a unifying principle in ancient extinctions (TERSANE) (FOR 2332) Jan. 1, 2016 - Jan. 1, 2019
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